PBL Simplified by Magnify Learning

What Works in PBL | E1

April 16, 2018 Magnify Learning Episode 1

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Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook. 

In this episode, Josh and Andrea go down to the core of PBL and discuss what makes PBL work. Featuring interviews with students and the mother of students who have performed in a PBL environment.

2:15 - Magnify Learning’s definition of PBL 

3:21-14:00 - Interview with Emma and Eli Edwards, students at CSA New Tech in Columbus, IN.

Interview highlights:

  • 4:00 - Student perspective: What makes PBL work?
  • 5:44 - PBL and college/real-world readiness 
  • 9:08 - Elements of a successful project
  • 10:36 - FACILITATOR TIP - Using ongoing feedback and reflection throughout projects to keep students engaged
    • Check out Magnify Learning’s PBL Resources page for resources on feedback and reflection throughout a project
  • 11:13 - What makes a project memorable to students? 

14:35-25:50 - Interview with Laura Burbrink (@burbrinkl), mother of 4 students that have attended PBL schools

Interview Highlights:

  • 15:07 - Parent perspective: What makes a parent confident in the PBL model vs. traditional school?
  • 16:50 - Employability skills through PBL
  • 18:15 - FACILITATOR TIP - Creating a safe school/classroom culture for students to perform and take risks 
  • 18:34 - Parent perspective: What about PBL engages your students the most?
  • 20:32 - Using Need-to-Knows and student inquiry to drive the project process
    • Check out Magnify Learning’s PBL Resources page for resources on feedback and reflection throughout a project
  • 20:54 - Student compliance vs. student engagement - PBL vs. Projects

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